MARITIME TEMP SERVICES INC. 331 Elmwood Drive, Suite 4-804 Moncton, N.B. E1A 7W1 Application form Download PDF Files Other form available Time Card Form (Download PDF files)
GENERAL INFORMATION Driver's License Number: Physical Limitations/Health Problems: Have you ever received compensation for any injuries? Yes No If so, please specify date and type of injury Do you have any First Aid training? Yes No Specify: List any other courses, licenses or special qualifications: Will you work: Day Shift Afternoon Night Shift Weekends Are you limited to any specific hours? or days? Specify: Maximum you can lift: Do you have safety footwear? Yes No PAYROLL INFORMATION Method of payment: Cheque Direct Deposit (Please provide voided cheque) Federal tax deducted as single unless otherwise specified. Pay periods bi-weekly starting First Day Worked Last Day Worked Pay Rate (Includes 4% vacation pây unless otherwise stated) The position can be terminated or extended by the Employer at any time.